Saint Pauls, NC
A 38-year-old female asked:

I had a vaginal hysterectomy yrs ago. have problems with urinary incont, pelvic pain and pain during sex. is this normal side effect from surgery

4 doctor answers7 doctors weighed in
Dr. Miguel Cano
Obstetrics and Gynecology 32 years experience
Shouldn't be: If incontinence wasn't an immediate problem following your TVH it's hard to make a connection to your surgery, especially since it's a good time to address any prolapse or incontinence with the initial surgery. You most likely have developed pelvic organ prolapse and this may lead to your above symptoms. You should schedule an appt with your gyn for exam, bladder testing, & options. Take care.
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Dr. Luis Gonzalez
Obstetrics and Gynecology 41 years experience
Common, not normal: Lost of urine with coughing and sneezing may follow the weakening of the pelvic floor. Weight gain, smoking, ethnicity and previous pelvic surgery may contribute to this very treatable condition.
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
Dr. Scott Beard
Urogynecology 27 years experience
Not related: Probably interstitial cystitis although it could be adhesions of the bowel to the vaginal cuff.
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Dr. Dennis Higginbotham
American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology 32 years experience
Probably not: The majority of women find that sexual relations are improved after a hysterectomy. If your symptoms have developed over time since your surgery, then those symptoms are probably not related to the surgery, there are man reasons for the symptoms you describe - and most are very treatable.
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.

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A 49-year-old female asked:
I had a hysterectomy last july, yesterday i had vigorous sex, and also jogged three miles. Today I am having pain in the pelvic vaginal region, don't it is a uti. What have i done? What can I do to
Dr. Victor Bonuel
Internal Medicine 40 years experience
It could just be: Vaginal irritation or spasm. See your dr and get checked for uti. Take care!
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A 42-year-old female asked:
I had a full hysterectomy & hernia Surgery 4 wks ago. I'm have sharp stabbing pains through my vagina. Is this normal?
Dr. Wayne Ingram
Specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology
No: No it is not normal. Contact your GYN surgeon and inform him/her of this issue.
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
A 56-year-old female asked:
Having complete hysterectomy (laparascopic, vaginal) Mar 20. Am also in process for bariatric surgery. How long must I wait between surgeries?
Dr. Wayne Ingram
Specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology
3 to 6 months: You need at least 3 months to recover lost red blood cells and nutritional elements from any major surgery.
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A 47-year-old female asked:
Vaginal hysterectomy/ant-post repair/bladder sling surgery - 5-29-18 What activities should be avoided? Recovery guideline? Any printable resources?
Dr. Audrey Lance
Gynecology 16 years experience
Activity Restriction: The best thing to do is ask the doctor that did your surgery. However, in general, following a hysterectomy it is recommended to avoid lifting anythin... Read More
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
A 37-year-old female asked:
Is two weeks after surgery too early to have vaginal intercourse after a supracervical hysterectomy?
Dr. Michael Michaels
Urology 55 years experience
Yes: It is best to wait 4-6 weeks till everything is well healed and your gyn doctor gives the OK.
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
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Last updated Sep 28, 2017


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