A member asked:

I am writing because i just had a baby three months ago. my first period after was fine but now i have my period again and it has lasted two weeks. i am on birth contol but i take it same time everyday. should i stop taking it or is there some problem?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Miguel Cano answered

Specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Hi Scarlett, : Congratulations on your baby girl. You're describing something that is common after having a baby. Continue your birth control every day & usually your cycle will stabilize by 2-3 months. Two weeks of spotting is normal; 2 weeks of heavy bleeding with clots, dizziness, and/or weakness should be evaluated by your ob. Continue your prenatal vitamins if you have any left & good luck with your baby.

Answered 12/9/2013



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