A member asked:

I am currently experiencing alot of pregnancy symtoms. i had one shot of the depo-provera and didn't go back for my second due in september. i haven't had a period since i stopped the depo-provera could i still be pregnant ?

12 doctors weighed in across 4 answers

Possible...: It is a fact that the Depo Provera (medroxyprogesterone) contraceptive can hold your period while on it and the fact that you didn't take the one due on September tell us that you did not have sufficient contraceptive protection during this period of time. If you have been sexually active recently I would definitely suggest to get a pregnancy test done. Follow up also with your doctor if any other issues related.

Answered 5/6/2015


Dr. Ew Christensen answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Yes: It is possible you could be pregnant. Get a pregnancy test done right away. If it is positive, get on a prenatal vitamin and get in to see you physician. If it is negative, get in for your shot. Remember that Depo-Provera will not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases.

Answered 5/6/2015


Dr. Gerard Honore answered

Specializes in Fertility Medicine

Of course: Your contraception is expired; you "could" be pregnant. A home pregnancy test will answer the question for you today, good wishes!

Answered 12/5/2014


Dr. Dennis Higginbotham answered

Specializes in American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Yes: You should take a pregnancy test, that will answer the question for you.

Answered 12/3/2014



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