A member asked:

63 prostate cancer on lupron (leuprolide) and now cancer in lymphnode in chest would t cell shot help and can i do chemo and radiation together at same time?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Liawaty Ho answered

Specializes in Hematology and Oncology

Need more info: Is the lymph node in the chest related to the prostate cancer? How is the psa? Anything else positive on the bone scan/ct scan ? Options one can get once the cancer progresses on lupron- including- Provenge vaccines; other androgen blocker, chemotherapy, zytiga, (abiraterone acetate) . Radiation will prob not needed for lymph gland in the chest and better not to do it at the same time as chemo. Discuss with your md.

Answered 6/30/2014



Radiation 1st best.: Usually lymph node spread in cases of prostate cancer is treated surgically. Depending on the extent of the tumor itself, surgery or radiation is used with similar results. Both can be associated with impotence. Addition of radiation, chemotherapy, and hormonal therapy can be done but does not appear to improve results, so if surgery is not done here, radiation would be best, then chemo..

Answered 12/20/2012



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