Possible: but unlikely. If you need to know sooner rather than later, it is best to have a blood beta HCG test done.
Answered 8/27/2014
Iffy: it is a bit early to be sure, another week to be sure. That said if the test is positive now it will be accurate, but negative might not be accurate.
Answered 9/29/2016
No: Wait until a few days after you've missed your period.
Answered 8/27/2014
Wait...: For accuracy, it is best to wait until at least you have missed your period. Checking now MAY give you a positive result on a very sensitive test; however, if it were to be negative that wouldn't necessarily mean that you are pregnant. If it is negative when you miss your period, you should retest in a week (if your period has not yet begun).
Answered 8/28/2014
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