A member asked:

I just got rid of what i thought to be a yeast infection last week.now i am very itchy and and red down there also the labia minor has red spots.help?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Nayana Trivedi answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Could still be yeast: Do not apply Hydrocortisone for any type of Infection. How did you get rid of Yeast Infection? May be it did not get cured. OTC Vaginal cream Monistat1, 3, 7 are available. You can use it for 1,3 or 7 days. If you already used it and you need to be examined by the Physician for proper Diagnosis. May be Red spot is due to your nails scratching.

Answered 7/25/2014



For a yeast infection it is best to take Monistat 7 for all 7 days. You should see a Gynecologist Doctor to be sure of your diagnosis and receive treatment for your problem.

Answered 6/29/2021



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