A member asked:

Can semen on toilet seat exposed to air for bout a minute impregnate a woman? what if a drop got splashed on to the exterior vagina? would the sperm have lost motility? trouble with horrible ocd. help

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Richard Maffezzoli answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Most unlikely: Sperm are short lived outside the body cavity and the chance of finding their way up to vagina are slim.

Answered 2/2/2020


Dr. Derek Farley answered

Specializes in Urgent Care

Unlikely: Highly unlikely but not impossible. I'd simply use a different toilet. What possible living situation/scenario are you in where this could be a real possibility of pregnancy? As far as semen directly splashing on the exterior vagina, yes, it is possible to get pregnant that way. But chance of success is lessened the further away from the vagina you go. If ocd is prompting the ?, get treatment.

Answered 2/2/2020



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