Get treated STAT: It's an infection that probably started at the distal end (further out) of the penis, drained into the lymphatic channels and is a form of blood poisoning. Sclerosing means that it is destroying tissue in its path, and most common cause is a group strep a (streptococcus pyogenes). Don't fool around: it could cost you your penis...Or your life.
Answered 2/16/2021
See a specialist. : Sclerosing lymphangitis of the penis is a scar forming inflammation of penile lymphatic channels. It is extremely rare, and can be confused with other penile skin abnormalities such as peyronie's disease. I would recommend evaluation by a urologist or dermatologist, with a thorough history and physical examination. In certain cases, a biopsy may be warranted and can aid in diagnosis.
Answered 5/17/2013
Minor: This is just a minor problem caused by irritation during intercourse generally goes away on own.
Answered 2/7/2021
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