A member asked:

I had unprotected sex yesterday but he did not ejaculate inside of me. i just went off of my birth control a week ago. should i take plan b?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Probably not: Well, that is a tough question. If you are absolutely 100% certain, without a doubt, sure that he did not ejaculate anywhere near the vagina, then you do not need planb. Also, if you were on hormonal birth control up until one week ago, then the chance of pregnancy is still very low as well.

Answered 3/17/2014



Sex=risk of pregnant: Nothing more untrue than the statement, "...Didn't ejaculate inside therefore....." just prior to ejaculation there is a pre-ejaculate fluid released from the penis and this secretion does contain more than enough sperm (it only takes 1) which can fertilize an egg. You should discuss viable contraceptive options of the "day after" variety with an expert physician.

Answered 3/17/2014



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