Yes: This is a tried and true therapy that has been around nearly 30 years. See a board certified urologist to be evaluated and treated appropriately.
Answered 3/26/2013
Yes: There are multiple formulations one can use for intracavernous penile inejction therapy. Depending on the severeity of the erectile dysfunction and other comorbidities a man may have. It is a very good and effective method for obtaining an erection.
Answered 3/26/2013
Yes to some...: This use with PGE-1 (alprostadil, prostaglandin E-1) or TriMix injection is usually tried and applied after failing to response to oral drugs - one of PDE-5 inhibitors such as Vaigra, Levita, Cialis, or Stendra. It's worthwhile to try but carries no 100% guaranty. So, work with urologist.
Answered 8/13/2014
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