A member asked:

Premature ejaculation at 18 years old. how do i train my penis to be better?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Multiple issues: Assuming there is no medical issue, it is thought that masturbation may lead to some issues, since the goal is usually to ejaculate quickly. That said, a lot depends on what the idea is of "premature", 1, 5, 10 minutes? Before she's done? Sometimes thinking of something else can distract a bit, and extend the time. If this doesn't work, consult with a urologist for an evaluation.

Answered 6/28/2018


Dr. Craig Uhl answered

Relax: Your hormonal changes have a lot to do with it. Sure, you can think about baseball, etc., but perhaps you can go for round two. Enjoy living, just make sure you wear a condom!

Answered 12/25/2017



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