A member asked:

How do i get rid of a fungal infection on my penis? the doctor gave me athletes foot cream would that help? can you suggest more things?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Follow your doctor: You have been checked by the doctor and given antifungal cream, use it if does not get better than follow with your doctor.There are many antifungal creams and most are effective for fungal infections of all kind.

Answered 10/31/2013



So yes it should : Help if the diagnois is correct. Jock itch, is a fungus in the pubic region, athletes foot is a fungus on the feet. They are both fungi the names just reveal the anatomical location they are found in or on. If one cream is not working you can substitute with another. Many are over the counter and can be purchased without a prescription.

Answered 11/2/2013



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