Low T symptoms: Testosterone is an important hormone for men. Low t can cause lower libido, erectile difficulty, decrease in memory, focus, concentration, depression, increase in body fat, decrease in muscle mass, exercise plateau, as well as fatigue. Getting this checked as well as your b12/vitamin d levels can help you better understand what you need.
Answered 10/3/2016
Check your T level: A very simple & inexpensive blood test performed in the morning can tell you if you have low testosterone or not. If you're borderline, then you should repeat it. That's the crux of traditional medicine's approach. Kind of like a getting a grade. As long as you get a d- or higher, you've passed. But what if you want to be valedictorian? Even a b+ isn't good enough. So i also ask for symptoms too.
Answered 7/31/2012
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