A member asked:

Female, 36, very intense cramp-like symptoms; feels like need to use bathroom but can't; then dizzy, then feel faint. lie on floor. hot towel to stomach helps. heavy sweating. lasts 5-10 min. ideas?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Abdominal cramps: These cramps, did they occur once or several times? The differential is quite wide and more information is needed. If they have occured repeatedly, you need an evaluation to see what is causing them.

Answered 9/10/2013



Abdominal pain: Does this usually happen after a meal? Do you tend toward the constipated side? If your answer is yes, then you may need to take more magnesium in your diet. It sounds like a strong gastrocolic reflex with vasovagal reaction that you're experiencing.

Answered 9/11/2013



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