Ovulation: The myth thta you cannot get pregnant while breast feeding is in fact a myth.. You may easily be ovulating. If you want another child then fine, but if not do not not assume you cannot get pregnant just because you are breastfeeding. Use birth control.
Answered 11/25/2016
Very hard : Detecting breast feeding ovulation is very difficult. If you're trying to avoid pregnancy i recommend being on birth control. While breast-feeding ovulation is inconsistent and hard to predict.
Answered 12/29/2022
You can't: When a woman is breastfeeding she will ovulate before she has her first period. So she will not be able to tell she is ovulating. Menstrual cycle timing won't work because she hasn't had regular periods yet. Most women aren't able to use cervical mucus changes - it is subtle and is best used with timing.
Answered 9/2/2013
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