A member asked:

What causes your scalp to feel like someone is pouring acid on it its burning no cuts or anything;and double vision with trails and halos? esp @nite?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Alexander Gorup answered

Specializes in ENT and Head and Neck Surgery

Puzzling: Have you seen a doctor for this? I suggest starting with an ophthalmologist or neurologist. Good luck.

Answered 8/27/2013



Some ideas...: One thing to consider: the scalp pain may be shingles/zoster; migraines can occasionally do this as well. There are also other causes like trigeminal neuralgia. All three of these can also cause double vision in some patients. The haloes at night are often caused by cataracts and dry eyes.

Answered 10/8/2017



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