2 Ways: The most effective and tempting way is not recommended: using drops that 'get the red out', like the original version of visine and clear eyes. These drops make bloodshot eyes white by constricting blood vessels, but they are highly addictive. Your eyes can become more red once you try to stop. Using non-medicated lubricating drops frequently, is a less effective but much better way to go.
Answered 9/10/2013
Get more sleep: The best solution is to get enough sleep. Otherwise, artificial tear wetting drops can help. There are vasoconstrictor drops that can temporarily shrink the blood vessels, but many of them result in worse red eye later after the medicine wears off. For a one time treatment for a photo shoot or something like that, see your specialist eye md (ophthalmologist) who can administer strong drops.
Answered 8/22/2013
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