Lymph node: There are thousands of lymph node located around the body that help screen out germs in the serum before it returns to the circulation. There are many in the neck, head and behind the ear. At rest these are often 1/4 inch in diameter and may grow to marble sized when reacting to a stimulus. Bug bites, or viral infections can increase their size.They should shrink down to nl size over a few wks.
Answered 12/10/2013
Probably nothing: The most common cause is a postauricular lymph node which may have been there for ages without you knowing. If you recently had scalp irritation it could flare up and get bigger. The other common consideration is a dermoid cyst, which is benign. If it isn't growing or you don't find other new nodes around it, it likely can wait to discuss with your primary doctor at your next check up.
Answered 12/10/2013
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