A member asked:

Can cell phones cause cancer, brain tumors, etc?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Controversial: There is very little evidence that cell phone usage causes brain tumors. At least one large study in (i think) sweden suggested a slight increase in the frequency of tumors or the 8th (acoustic) nerve in high-use individuals, but showed no increase in other types of brain tumors, including gliomas. Other studies have not even supported that there are more 8th nerve tumors from cell phones.

Answered 5/14/2020


Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

animal studies.: Cell phone radiation is low-frequency & low energy. It is actually nonionizing radiation. Unlike high frequency wave ionizing radiation, it should not cause cancer. Cell phone radiation was however, shown to ^ risk for developing schwannomas in rats & gliomas in other animal studies. REF: https://www.mskcc.org/blog/do-cell-phones-cause

Answered 5/14/2020



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