See your doctor: You've indicated that you smoke and use an inhaler probably for asthma. You're predisposed to higher rate of lung infections and complications such as pneumonia or bronchitis. Please stop smoking and see your doctor.
Answered 8/5/2013
LRI v URI v wheezing: Lower vs upper respiratory infection. Bronchitis. Pneumonia. Go see your family doc because you haven't been able to get a good deep breath. If this is new, it could be a result of infection. Or infection could be causing bronchospasm (wheezing). You also need to stop smoking. Review how to use inhaler w/pharmacist & doc. You may need both prevention & rescue inhalers.
Answered 5/12/2016
Bronchitis?: Some people may end up with a prolonged cough after a viral infection. However if it has lasted over a month and the mucus is getting darker and thicker, it is time to see your doctor.
Answered 11/17/2016
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