A member asked:

How does smoking and drinking affect a pregnant woman's baby?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Liza Kunz answered

Negatively!: Alcohol can cause many birth defects and mental retardation in developing babies. We don't know how much is safe so it is best avoided entirely. Smoking can cause small babies and increase the rates of miscarriage. It can also cause preterm labor.

Answered 9/4/2013


Dr. Bahman Omrani answered

Specializes in Pain Management

Bad bad bad : The consequences of alcohol consumption and smoking for the unborn life are dramatic. There is an urgent need to stop if you are pregnant and doing this or know someone who is. Educate yourself http://www.Nlm.Nih.Gov/medlineplus/pregnancyandsubstanceabuse.Html.

Answered 9/18/2017



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