Development: Usually the problem with autistic children is an over sensitivity to sounds. But there are many features necessary to diagnose autism. If you are concerned see your pediatrician and discuss. There are many good screening tools he/she can do such as q-chat plus a complete history and physical assessment.
Answered 3/31/2014
Hearing: I agree with dr mease. But also make sure the child's hearing is normal!
Answered 1/2/2015
Could be?: Persons with autism spectrum disorder often have hypersensitivity to loud noises. They can have other sensory problems that could also cause hypo-sensitivity to noises. This child should have their hearing checked by a qualified audiologist. If hearing is normal, sensory issues can often be helped by a qualified pediatric occupational therapist.
Answered 7/22/2013
Get hearing tested: Difficulty focusing on sounds is not necessarily a sign of autism. Before considering that diagnosis, have a thorough hearing evaluation done.
Answered 7/2/2015
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