A member asked:

I have headaches. nausea. stiff neck. chills. forgetful. sore back. light hurts my eyes. pain in my jaw at top near ear.

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Get exam ASAP: You could have a serious medical problem with these symptoms, especially if they are of recent onset and worsening, so i would recommend getting seen or call your regular doctor asap. If you don't have a regular doctor, go to an urgent care center or er.

Answered 10/11/2016


Dr. Harold Peltan answered

Specializes in Ophthalmology

Go to ER: Go to the emergency room. Now. These can be symptoms of meningitis, a life threatening and contagious condition. There are other conditions that are less common for a 27 year old. Infections like cat scratch fever and some other serious infections and inflammatory conditions can also cause these symptoms.

Answered 5/11/2017



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