A member asked:

How long does your mouth stay numb after anesthesia at the dentist?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Steven Koos answered

Specializes in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Local anesthetics,: Depending on which one was used and whether a vasoconstrictor was included, as well as the amount given, can have a wide range of anesthesia times. Some can dissipate after only 30 minutes, while others can last 10-12 hours. While numb, stick to a non-chew, liquid to puree diet so that you avoid the chance of injuring the soft tissue of your lip, tongue or cheek.

Answered 12/9/2013


Dr. Richard Pollard answered

Specializes in Anesthesiology

Varies: Some local anesthetics can last up to 15 hours. If you have concerns ask your dentist about your case.

Answered 3/10/2017



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