A member asked:

Can you tell me the best defence against mosquito bites.thanks?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Mosquito Defense: There are now two different synthetic chemical ingredients used in formulating insect repellents that are roughly equivalent in effectiveness, namely deet and picaridin. There are also a number of natural products that claim repellency but are generally less effective.

Answered 12/29/2015


Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Prevention: Mosquito safety- use bed netting when sleeping. Spray the walls of the home with insecticide. Wear long pants & long sleeved shirts from dusk to dawn. Use Permethrin spray on clothing and mosquito netting. Deet agents can be used on skin. Aloe Vera & Basil are natural deterents.

Answered 10/18/2014



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