A member asked:

I was five days late for my period and now it is bright red blood with clots and i go through a tampon every hour. is that normal?

7 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Tod Aeby answered

Probably not: The flow you are describing would not be considered normal, and needs treatment. Any time you are late for your period, you have to make sure you are not pregnant. The bleeding you describe could be an early miscarriage. If a pregnancy test is negative, you probably have a hormonal disturbance that will require medicine to correct. You should see a women's healthcare provider, right away.

Answered 3/16/2017


Dr. Stephen Pappachen answered

Specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Likely not.: You may also benefit from immediate evaluation (e.g. Er or urgi-center), particularly if you're experiencing any hypovolemic (low volume) symptoms (e.g. Lightheaded ness, dizziness, shortness of breath, etc....).

Answered 2/28/2016



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