A member asked:

Pregnant or nott miss two period eating alot, soreness breast, belly change, mood swings, tired, gagging a lot ?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Can do a preg. test: It can be hard to tell if a woman is pregnant because some of the symptoms seen in early pregnancy can also happen in non-pregnant women. A urine pregnancy test gives a reliable result if done correctly. One can test about 3 weeks after sex (when conception might have occurred), or 1 week after missing a period. An ob-gyn doctor can evaluate any persistent or worrisome symptoms.

Answered 4/26/2013


Dr. Rixt Luikenaar answered

Specializes in Obstetrics & Gynecology

Do a pregnancy test!: It is possible if you have had unprotected sex! it could also be other issues as a low working thyroid, ovarian cyst or you are simply not ovulating. I would see your doctor or at least do a pregnancy test. Take a prenatal!

Answered 7/31/2013



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