A member asked:

Everytime i try to start lexapro i get a swollen gland in my right armpit, discontinued and it goes away within a few days. is this a normal start up effect?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Andrew Seibert answered

Specializes in Gastroenterology

Swollen lymph nodes are not a usual side effect of Lexapro. If this pattern persists, be sure to point it out to the Doctor Who is prescribing the medication.

Answered 6/18/2023



Please have a physical exam to know if you have an illness, Your psychiatric medication should be managed by your Psychiatrist. If you are not confident in your Psychiatrist please see another for a second opinion. It is advisable to have psychotherapy along with meds - see a Clinical Psychologist with expertise in multiple types of psychotherapy.

Answered 7/1/2023



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