A member asked:

How to know if you have appendicitis? can you have a headache on only one side, feel dizzy or have pain off and on on right side by belly button? anything advice wise helps! :?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Hunter Handsfield answered

Specializes in Infectious Disease

The main symptom of appendicitis is abdominal pain that usually starts in the middle of the abdomen and within a day moves to the lower right of the abdomen. Pain usually is continuous once it starts, not on and off. Other conditions can cause similar pain, like Fallopian tube pain in women. Headache or dizziness are not likely with appendicitis or anything else in the abdomen.

Answered 10/26/2022


Dr. Rebecca Gliksman answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

May also be reflux or gastritis or gallbladder or pancreas( congenital or if drinking alcohol). In appendicitis the pain is usually so severe it is hard to sleep and wakes people from sleep though not all the time. The diagnostic test is a CT of abdomen but first you need a pregnancy test Would follow up with MD and be evaluated.

Answered 10/26/2022



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