A member asked:

Hcg blood test, a lab urine test and two home test came back negative for pregnancy. it had been 22 days since intercourse (only precum from broken condom), and 6 days after missed period. how accurate is it?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

You are asking a technical lab question about a particular lab test. That question is best answered by the producer of the test. In general, most home pregnancy tests are very accurate, more than 95%, 22 days after sexual contact

Answered 4/29/2022



If your tests were done correctly, and Blood Level of HCG was less than 5 at 22 days after sex, you are not pregnant. You may repeat the home pregnancy test in 4-5 days, unless you get a period by then. Wish you good health!

Answered 4/29/2022



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