You probably have pain from acute sacroiliitis (inflammation of the sacroiliac joint). You can take Ibuprofen (advil or motrin) OTC 200 mg x 2-3 tablets every 6 hours as needed with foods if you do not have stomach or kidney problem, for a couple days. If pain persists or recurs often, you should see a rheumatologist.
Answered 2/26/2022
Pelvic pain is not an uncommon related symptom associated with low back (spinal and pelvic joint) pain, particularly when the pelvic floor is stressed, such as during a bowel movement. The reason for this is that the same nerves that serve the lower back also serve the pelvis. Usually, there is not a separate pelvic or bowel issue, and treating the particular source of lower back pain is key!
Answered 2/27/2022
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