A member asked:

I have an itchy ,raised patch on my left lower leg. it is the size a little bigger than a silver dollar. it does not hurt, not warm, not bleeding. it just itches and oozes clear liquid. i was told it is a ringworm. ketoconazole ointment since 10/04?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Corinne Kauderer answered

Specializes in Podiatric Surgery

It may be a fungus or ring worm as you called it. The area should be biopsed and analyzed to rule out other skin diseases. Go see a Podiatrist or a dermatologist for help.

Answered 11/23/2021



If you have had no response to ketoconazole anti fungal cream, then it probably isn't a fungus ("ringworm"). See a dermatologist and get a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Answered 12/9/2021



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