A member asked:

Hey, i'm pretty slim and is it normal for me to feel the lymph nodes at the bottom of my ear on the left when there not swollen? i have to really dig to feel it and i can't feel it on my right ear. i have no infections or anything els?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Lymph nodes are scattered throughout the body and mostly buried in deeper tissues. In the head an neck there are several just beneath the skin on top of muscle or bone. The absence of extra fat in these locations makes them easier to find. Its normal .

Answered 11/12/2021



What you described is normal for a person of your physique. You may feel the nodes every couple of weeks, without digging, if any of the lymph glands doubles in size, becomes painful, ulcerates, or other nodes become enlarged, or you develop fever, or lose weight, you should see a doctor. Wish you good health!

Answered 11/12/2021



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