A member asked:

Hey my wife is 19 and she has covid-19 with a fever thats been going on for 3 days. she also has a sore throat, runny nose, bad cough, and chills. she takes zoloft for her anxiety and she needs to know if she can take cold and flu otc medicine. ty?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Amrita Dosanjh answered

Specializes in Pediatric Allergy and Asthma

Treat symptoms, nasal saline may be helpful in relieving nasal congestion. Treat fever with Tylenol and monitor breathing. If there are signs of distress, please seek medical attention. The cough may linger, and if present at three weeks, discuss a ches image and evaluation with your physician. The OTC cough medications have potential side effects but may be used judiciously.

Answered 8/22/2021



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