A member asked:

I'm 18 and for the past year and a half i have been smoking a pack and half every week, i managed to quit but was that time i spent smoking enough to increase my risk of cancer despite not having family history of any kind of cancer?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

any smoking is dangerous but a pack and a half a week isn't that much compared to a pack a day. if you have any white spots on lips , cheeks or tongue than see an ORAL SURGEON for an exam or possible biopsy. make sure you quit for good any more smoking is high risk for oral cancer.

Answered 6/15/2021



It is good that you quit using tobacco. You did enhance your risk for cancer to a small extent, however, if you abstain from tobacco, the risk will subside with time. For healthy diet: http://www.choosemyplate.gov/., exercise 30 minutes/day, drink enough water daily so your urine is mostly colorless, have safe sex, no tobacco alcohol weed or street drugs. Get HPV and Covid vaccines.

Answered 6/15/2021



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