A member asked:

I am 7.5 weeks late, two negative pregnancy tests. 1 after period was late for a day, then one after period had been late for 4 weeks. having occasional cramping now after 7 weeks late, feels like period cramping but nothing else happening. help??

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Christine Hom answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

Late periods are common, and can be brought on by illness, chronic disease or stress. If you are having unprotected sex, adding that possibility adds to stress when you have a late period which can cause more late periods and causes more stress etc etc. Using a reliable form of contraception (NOT withdrawal or rhythm) can help reduce anxiety.

Answered 5/22/2021



Menstrual irregularities are not uncommon and anovulatory cycle is a common cause. If you miss more than two periods it would be time to see your doctor. If you do not wish to be pregnant, use contraception all the time. You may consider implanted contraceptive or an IUD. Consult this site. http://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/menstruation/conditioninfo/Pages/causes.aspx

Answered 5/22/2021



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