A member asked:

I took a dried urine test of my neurotransmitters, high dopamine levels, low seratonin low gaba, low epherine and low neoephorine and my histimate is high and glutamate what does all this mean? i suffere from extreme stress anxiety ocd and depression?

5 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

All laboratory results need to be interpreted in the clinical context and the doctor who ordered the tests is usually in the best position to do that. Talk to the doctor who ordered the tests. Having said that, what you described does not add up. There are no valid tests on dried urine. Wish you good health!

Answered 5/5/2021


Dr. Mark Fisher answered

Specializes in Neurology

Those tests are bogus. All you're doing is wasting your money. You've been duped by hucksters and charlatans. No reputable doctor would order those tests or take them seriously. You've been conned. This sort of nonsense will not relieve stress. Stress relief takes practice and a while to master. There are no quick fixes.

Answered 5/5/2021



You have been the victim of fraud. See if you can get a refund. Regarding your emotions, see a therapist who uses cognitive-behavioural techniques, as this can prove to be very successful.

Answered 5/6/2021



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