A member asked:

Can a groin strain cause swollen groin lymph nodes? early january 2021 i had a self diagnosed groin strain, about 1 week later nodes in right side of there got very swollen. now feb 24 i still have tenderness and doc said nodes are a little swollen?

A doctor has provided 1 answer

Swollen glands groin: Muscle strain does not cause swollen glands. If glands are swollen on opposite side too, consIder a disorder with "lymphadenopathY" (infections like infectious mono/or a lymphoma). If only on one side, consider infection in leg or foot - such as 'athlete's foot.' It's okay to use heat however to see if nodes improve. If not you will need to see an M.D. If any fever or chills, make it soon.

Answered 2/26/2021



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