A member asked:

My won which is 3 years old started getting all these bumps on his legs, now its all over his body, looks like pimples all over. its irritated behind one of his knees. we got prescribed cortisone. not itchy but today he scratched by his shoulder?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Amrita Dosanjh answered

Specializes in Pediatric Allergy and Asthma

Virtual consult: A virtual consultation is available on Healthtap and a photo may be uploaded for review. The most likely cause is that he has a contact/allergic rash. This is often associated with allergic rhinitis and positive allergy testing. Children who have allergic responses are at risk to wheeze or to develop asthma. Apply steroid cream twice daily, moisturize with baby eczema cream several times daily.

Answered 1/19/2021



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