A member asked:

In winters whenever i stop after doing a rapid activity like jogging for 1-2 minutes, my entire body including face and head start to itch. i do have dry skin but there are no patches or rashes. so is it caused by dryness or something else?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Amrita Dosanjh answered

Specializes in Pediatric Allergy and Asthma

Hives reaction?: There is a condition called urticaria or hives and the triggers may include both exercise and cold air. There is a release of histamine. Use an eczema moisturizer and oatmeal bath to relieve itching and take an antihistamine daily until symptoms subside. Watch for signs of distress and wheezing. Other causes include food triggers eating near or around the time of exercise.

Answered 11/30/2020



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