A member asked:

A friends doctor prescribed her zoloft and prozaz for depression. 100mg of zoloft in the morning and prozac at night. not sure the milligrams of prozac. is that safe for her?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Krishna Kumar answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Zoloft and Prozac: You are a caring Friend! Encourage your friend to make a list of the following about Depression: • Symptoms at start • Duration • Reasons for taking Zoloft and Prozac. • Stresses of relationship and work Both Zoloft and Prozac are in the same family of SSRI Medications. So it is not necessary to take both medications. Please go with your friend to her Psychiatrist and discuss these and Therapy.

Answered 11/25/2020


Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Two SSRI's?: Unless the doctor is doing a cross- titration of these two medications, I would wonder why two SSRI medications are indicated.

Answered 12/18/2020



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