A member asked:

Have been diagnosed with gerd, the possible silent reflux kind, where acid comes all the way back up. not as much heartburn but more clearing and irritated throat. also have chronic sinus nasal and ear irritation. could the acid cause that?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Susan Rhoads answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Maybe.: Reflux can irritate the whole esophagus and can causes sore throat which can lead to a feeling of ear pain (the nerve goes past the ear.) See if GERD meds help. Get rid of fragrances and aerosols as theses also cause nose and throat irritation. See this link on laryngoesophageal reflux: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/15024-laryngopharyngeal-reflux-lpr

Answered 2/10/2020



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