A member asked:

Im 21 i have a horrible fear that im going to take a seizure ive never had one and no history no brain injuries and dont have epilepsy ?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Louise Andrew answered

Specializes in Emergency Medicine

SO, this is : most likely some kind of anxiety. Ask yourself why THIS particular worry...what is it that you are really afraid of? If there is a mental health hot line you can access, call and discuss. If not, see a counselor or therapist. People don't have "premonitions" of seizures and you have no particular reason to have one, which is why I think this is most likely not a reasonable fear.

Answered 12/25/2018



Agree with Dr. A: You may wish to set a goal to be healthier. Start with doing 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise each morning. Have a healthy diet, exercise, drink plenty of water, have safe sex, and get HPV vaccine. Wish you good health! Nutrition: http://www.choosemyplate.gov/.

Answered 12/25/2018



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