Maybe: It depends if the "heart shaped" uterus has an internal septum inside dividing it into two compartments making implantation more difficult. When you are ready to conceive, a hysteroscopy procedure by a Fertility GYN MD can make that determination and often at the same time surgically remove the septum.
Answered 8/25/2018
Probably NOT: AT ALL! However, consult your GYN for I am not able to see the results of your ultrasound directly! Hope this is helpful! Dr Z
Answered 8/25/2018
Hard to say: This is considered a birth defect triggered when the 2 separate sides (tubes) of the female fetal genital system fail to form a single uterus. The heart shape is created by tissue that extends down from the mid top & could be as minor as a little bump or a wall that comes down the middle & separates 2 sides. I would ask the doc how much of a defect is present.
Answered 8/25/2018
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