A member asked:

My girlfriend is having chest pains and she says it's really tight and getting hard to breath and shaking bad the pain moved up to her heart she feels like she is gonna pass out ?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Doctor can evaluate: New chest discomfort or pain, and difficulty breathing, are signs that that she should talk with her doctor right away or go to the ER. She should not drive herself (call for an ambulance if symptoms are more than slight). If it turns out not to be an abnormal rhythm, myocarditis, anxiety attack symptoms, a collapsed lung, or pneumonia, the E.R. may still be able to offer some treatment.

Answered 7/3/2018



Missing data: It always help us focus our response when you provide the age of the person; duration of the problem (hours,days,weeks) ; any past medical problems that may be related; etc. At this point with no qualifying data I must assume the worst & suggest she be seen immediately. It could be simple heartburn or a deadly disease.

Answered 7/2/2018



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