A member asked:

During a stroke or brain aneurysm, will the pupils be dilated and fixed or just dilated? are neither of the two normal?

9 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Abhineet Chowdhary answered

Specializes in Neurosurgery

Unclear: Pupil response is based on many factors. If there is an increase in intracranial pressure, this can cause a change in the pupils. This can be a sign of impending "herniation" which can be catastrophic.

Answered 8/2/2017


Dr. Clemens Schirmer answered

Specializes in Interventional Neuroradiology and Endovascular Neurosurgery

Depends: A specific aneurysm location in the brain can cause dilation of one pupil alone which may occur in a patient who otherwise does not have any other specific problems. In general dilation and lack of reaction to light (=fixed) of one or both pupils indicates brain swelling and pressure of the brain on the 3rd cranial nerves which is an emergency and can be an sign of brain death if left untreated.

Answered 8/30/2017



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