A member asked:

Had issues with anxiety related tremors in the past (other pathology ruled out). hasn't happened in a while, but today my hands are really shaking. took 2mg ativan, usually helps, but today it didn't help. should i be concerned? what else can i do?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Bernard Seif answered

Specializes in Clinical Psychology

Tremors: Glad to hear your saw your doc and major pathology ruled out. Your history indicates that you are seeing a mental health pro. Ask him/her about clinical hypnosis (www.asch.net) or biofeedback training. Peace and good health.

Answered 12/16/2017


Dr. Richard Zimon answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

If your tremors: are anxiety related being CONCERNED or ANXIOUS will obviously make the tremors worse..Since the common reasons for tremor are ruled out you should explore NON-PHARMACOLOGICAL (drug -free) methods to control your anxiety /tremors. BIOFEEDBACK, Cognitive Behavioral therapy, acupuncture, are a few examples. NOT TO WORRY! Hope this helps a bit! Dr Z

Answered 12/16/2017



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