A member asked:

I am experiencing irregular menstrual periods (quality: spotting between periods) . the following also describe me: constipation and fatigue. what should i do?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

GYN exam: Get your blood checked for female hormone levels, thyroid function, low iron/anemia, blood sugar. Menstrual cycles are notoriously "not exactly regular"- may vary 5-10 days in some women.

Answered 8/11/2017


Dr. Yelena Kipervas answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Plan. : Constipation need to be treated with diet and medication that depend on severity of this. Fatigue most likely need blood work, and irregularities of menstrual period as well need blood work. All of this could be done in doctor office. But not on line. Please, make appointment with family physician or pediatrician.

Answered 8/11/2017



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