A member asked:

Female 70+ have cvd and a stroke a year ago .my gp changed blood pressure tablets from quinapril 40mg morning and 20mg evening to ramitril 5mg once a day (equivalent to 20mg of quinapril)the max ramitril dose is 10mg =40mg quinapril .dose is too low?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Alvin Lin answered

Hypertension: Best way to determine appropriate dose and/or combination of blood pressure lowering medications is to monitor your BP regularly. Use bicep cuff, not wrist device. Rest 5-10min before measuring. Wait another 5min then measure again. Goal BP in elderly is usually <150/90. In some circumstances, goal <140/90. Chat w/your doc to determine your goal & adjust dose/regimen. Don't forget cholesterol too.

Answered 12/21/2019



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