A member asked:

Is it safe to take testim (testosterone gel) with glucosamine sulfate , chondroitin & msm , and omega 3 supplements? anything i should /shouldnt take

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Jesse Mills answered

Specializes in Urology

Safe: It's safe to take those together. If you're only 22, make sure you get a full work up for low t. Also realize testosterone therapy will lower your sperm counts.

Answered 9/25/2013



Why?: The testim is safe, but have you really been checked out to determine if your need it? Did you take Anabolic steroids earlier in your life that may have caused your current deficiency? Testim good if you need testorsterone replacement, the other stuff if junk and won't help you in any way - except to spend your money needlessly. Nothing else you should take, lots you shouldn't. Avoid internet info.

Answered 6/24/2014



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